Here's a tool and supply list for the Wood Type DIY Plans and Templates.
Use this list to ensure you're equipped with all of the right stuff to take on this project before you buy the plans.
Power Tools
- Scroll saw
- Drill Cordless is nice. This one is a great value.
- Countersink
Hand Tools
- Awl For marking the wood
- Bar clamps
- China marker
- Cork-backed ruler For precise paper cuts and marks.
- Gorilla tape
- Pencil These are #3 pencils. The harder lead stays sharper longer.
- Rasp To round off the edges.
- Sandpaper 3M Variety pack is the best way to get started.
- Screwdriver
- Spray mount or double-stick tape
- Tape measure This 16' tape measure is a joy to use. It's the perfect size and weight for me.
- X-Acto Knife For precise paper cuts.
- Danish oil
- Paste wax
- Shop rags These make cleanup easier.
- Vintage screws
- Water bowl Keep it close during glue-up.
- Wood glue Tightbond is my glue of choice.
- Wood glue bottle The GluBot is an amazing glue dispenser. Its multiple tips give you a lot of control so you can evenly distribute the right amount of glue for the job.
- Dust mask Save your lungs.
- Gloves For the finish.
- Miter gauge For making crosscuts on the table saw.
- Safety glasses To protect those peepers!
Power Tools
- Orbital sander I held off buying this for too long. Game-changing sander!
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