I met with DDC customer, Shawn last week and he gave me a great idea to pass on to you, especially to those of you who are currently building Resurrection Crosses.
The Incra Marking Rule paired with a .05 mechanical pencil is a great aide to help you mark with accuracy as you lay out all of those notches.
The Incra 12-Inch marking rule set, lets you mark precisely where you want with zero uncertainty and no eye strain. Incra has reinvented the steel rule by putting micro-fine holes at every scale position (every 1/16-inch and 1/32-inch) to instantly locate a sharp pencil or scribe exactly on target. Using a T-square this guide draws perfectly placed horizontal lines with dead-on accuracy, with guide slots that wrap around any edges.
So if you're making a lot of precise marks to lay out your cuts, get an Incra Rule to step up your precision!
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