My DIY plans for Charcuterie Boards are available now! Putting these plans together was my most ambitious project to date. They guide you through making 12 specific boards, but you can mix and match styles to make infinite possibilities.
Tool & Supply List
Project plans for Charcuterie Boards are available now! Putting these plans together was my most ambitious project to date. They guide you through making 12 unique boards, but you can mix and match the styles for nearly infinite possibilities. Here's the list of tools and supplies you'll need to build these boards:
Power Tools
- Band saw or scroll saw Either one will work.
- Drill Cordless is nice. This one is a great value.
- Drill bits A metal drill index is a valuable addition to your arsenal. This one is compact, sturdy, and it can be used to gauge what size hole is needed for any screw by removing the bit and inserting the screw in the opening.
- Paddle bits For those larger openings
- Table saw I don't personally own a SawStop, but I highly recommend them!
Hand Tools
- Two 24-inch bar clamps These are durable and easy to use.
- Cabinet scraper These are excellent for scraping dry glue off wooden surfaces.
- Carving Knife I love this knife!
- Pencil These are #3 pencils. The harder lead stays sharper longer.
- Shinto saw rasp This rasp is excellent for organic handmade shapes.
- Tape measure I like this 16' tape measure. It's the perfect size and weight for me.
- Wax pencil For marking on darker woods.
- 100 grit sandpaper 3M Variety pack is the best way to get started.
- Packing tape To make non-stick guides for clamping.
- Rags For cleanup.
- Spray adhesive To adhere the templates.
- Sanding belt To make handy sanding blocks.
- Water bowl For cleanup.
- Wood glue Tightbond is my glue of choice.
- Wood Glue bottle The GluBot is an amazing glue dispenser. Its multiple tips give you a lot of control so you can evenly distribute the right amount of glue for the job.
- Dust mask Save your lungs
- Miter gauge or sled These are for making cross-cuts on the table saw.
- Push stick Protect those digits!
- Safety glasses To protect those peepers!
Power Tools
- Glue-line rip blade
- Miter saw If you don't have a sled or miter gauge, this will work too.
- Orbital sander I held off buying this for too long. Game-changing sander!
- Router I've had one of these for almost 20 years, never fails.
- Router bit, flush To trim consistent boards from the templates.
- Router bit, roundover To create a rounded perimeter profile.
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